02920 344610 [email protected]

Cameron / Statoil

PROJECT: Mariner Platform


Tema Protective coatings were involved with a turnkey project from its sister company Tema engineering who manufactured the skid bases and vessels and super duplex pipe work, We were involved with CBNI to carry out CPT tests on all systems in line with the Norsok M501 rev6  standards,

All operatives went through the training and application process to achieve the standard required by the Norsok specification and witnessed by CBNI inspectors.

Coatings systems used

Carbon steel skid base… System 2A

Super duplex vessels and pipe work system 6c

Galvanised Handrails and guards… System 6B


Contact Us

13 + 10 =

Unit 5-6 Curran Buildings, Curran Road, Cardiff CF10 5DF

02920 344610

07980 356907